Episode 4: The Roots of Our Human Nature

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Nowadays we are not just material but digital hoarders as well! Multitasking, too much on our plate, want too much? Frustration, anxiety and depression can crawl onto us silently without us even noticing it.
Are you a life-long learning because of or despite your school experiences? Would you attend a non-traditional life-long academy?
Our Homo Sapiens ancestors had gone through many bottleneck experiences and we are the only human species that survived. Do you wonder why that is? Would you like to know how much is nature in us and how much is instilled by culture?
Are you one of those people who want to grow and want to live a meaningful life and not some virtual lives offered by the entertainment industry? Then you belong with us!
Binary thinking is everywhere, no fifty shades of gray, only black and white, good or bad, right or wrong. Does it disturb you sometime?
Think and explore with us!

Mitochondrial Eve and Adam

When Did We Become Fully Human?


Episode 5: We Need a First Aid Course for Depression!


Episode 3 Build Your Own Tower of Needs